Room Painting by Bill's Painting
Receive a bedroom painting or $400 towards painting. Plus, Sherwin Williams is donating 2-gallons of duration paint valued at $150!
Bill started painting houses in 1981 and started his painting business in 1987. As the owner, he is actively involved in the company's day-to-day operations. When you hire Bill's Painting, you don't deal with a manager, you deal directly with the head of the company.
Bill has provided thousands of customers with high-quality work that he is proud of when completing of the project. This is crucial to us because our biggest asset is you; our customer. Nothing speaks better to a potential client than a referral from a family member, friend or neighbor.
Fine Print
*If you are at the Cadillac Dinner please pick up your item before leaving.
*Items must be claimed/picked up by March 14, 2024.
*Pick-up location Saint John the Baptist School, Jordan, MN 55352, 9am-3pm, M-F
*Certificates/Vouchers will be mailed thru standard USPS. Winning bidder can opt to pay for certified mail or UPS shipping.
*Larger items are available to be shipped at winning biddersā expense which includes shipping & packaging, plus a 10% handling fee.
Bill's Painting
Bid History