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Devoted Foundations Silent Auction


Our next event will be a combination of our “normal” Lunch & Learn Headlined By Shannon Johnson and a fundraiser for the not-for-profit, Devoted Foundations that helps those in need for free. Come and learn, eat an amazing lunch, and do a silent auction for all donated items for a good cause! More details to come and you can find out more about Devoted Foundations by visiting


Shannon Johnson will be presenting on “Creating an effective social media marketing strategy”.

There‘s no denying that you need to be using Social Media Marketing as part of your overall marketing strategy. 

In today’s world, social media is part of our daily lives with most people tuning in, turning on and connecting to one social platform or another. With billions of people using social media, you would be crazy not to be using it to build your online presence. However, there’s more to social media marketing than just creating profiles on different platforms and posting content. To get results, you need a strategy. In this lunch and learn, we will get you the keys to making your own strategy work!


This fundraiser event will use 100% of the proceeds made during this event to help businesses and business professionals in need through our partner organization Devoted Foundations SBC. They help businesses and people in need with the donations that are given and allow them to get the professional help they need to get their business and their career back in line and on track. They need our help! Come and do a silent bid on things like Big Screen TV’s, fine Jewelry, Spa Treatments, beauty make overs, free consulting help, and more. stay tuned for updates!

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