Welcome to the Billings Symphony Silent Auction!
I'd like to take a minute and introduce you to Michael. Michael is a long term care patient at St. Vincent Hospital's pediatric center. We met Michael at one of our outreach programs, Healing Harmonies. Michael has a number of health issues that confine him to a hospital room but thanks to BSOC's Explore Music! program he has been able to experience how music can transport him outside of those four walls.
Every year the Billings Symphony Orchestra & Chorale (BSOC) sends musicians out in the community over 120 times! They are in schools, rural community centers, school districts who have no music program, senior homes, memory care centers, the MT Women's Prison, St. Vincent Healthcare Long-term Pediatric Center, and of course everybody's favorite summer activity - Symphony in the Park.
In order to provide these programs to our community we rely on the generous support from grants, sponsorships and fundraising programs. This silent auction is a big part of making it happen!
Please enjoy browsing the items we have up for auction and placing a bid! If you don't find anything you'd like to bid on please consider clicking on the donation tab above and making a tax-deductible donation.
Thank you and we appreciate each and every one of you!