Nancy Chapel Eberhardt is an educational consultant and author. Her professional experiences include special education teacher, administrator, and professional development provider. Nancy also contributed as author and co-author to the development of the literacy curriculum LANGUAGE!, a comprehensive literacy intervention curriculum, including Categories and Sortegories. She co-authored RtI: The Forgotten Tier with Joanne Allain. Nancy is currently working with Margie Gillis to develop the Literacy How Professional Learning Series to support a Structured Literacy plan of study for teachers. She also is a member of IDAs Perspectives Parent/Practitioner Publications Committee for which she has been co-theme editor for four recent issues and contributed an article, Syntax: Somewhere Between Words and Text, as well as multiple book reviews.
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See Catalog for Presentation, Cost and more information. Please note that the winning bid pays for the presentation cost only. The winning bidder will also be required to cover the speakers travel and hotel expenses. Arrangements for delivery of services won are the sole responsibility of the winning bidder.
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