Fundraising Fete
Lowell School
Lowell School children are leading in the co-creation of a world where individuals are trusted, valued, and respected.
We are an intentionally-designed, diverse educational community that embraces individuality, curiosity, and courage. Lowell students thrive because we are committed to progressive pedagogy, where our multidisciplinary academic program and our social-emotional curriculum are inextricably linked.
Guided by our innovative, expert, and thoughtful educators, our children become confident, resilient, and highly-motivated learners who can fully engage in an abundance of rich, integrated, and multifaceted learning experiences.
Our graduates know themselves well and communicate effectively. They are uniquely prepared, both academically and socially, to navigate challenges and embrace opportunities that lie ahead.
Lowell empowers children to use their voices and strengths in pursuit of a more just world—one in which differences become assets, confidence leads to cooperation, and empathy drives us to affect positive change in our communities.
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