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On Behalf of St. John Ministries, welcome to IGNITE 2025! We're excited to be your host for the evening.

What is IGNITE?

IGNITE is a fundraising auction benefiting St. John Lutheran School, Battle Creek! It is a great time for participants while supporting Christian education. This year the funds are designated toward tuition offset & scholarships, ensuring all students have access to a Christ-Centered education. We are excited to keep rolling!


When and where is the auction?

The auction is Saturday, March 1st. It will be held at and catered by the Norfolk Lodge and Suites. A cash bar will also be available. 


What can I expect at the auction?

You can expect to have a fun, adults night out with friends and our St. John Family! Here’s the schedule for the night:

5:00 – Doors Open, browse silent auction items, cash bar open

6:00 – Dinner is Served

6:15 – Entertainment, Gayle Becwar

7:15 – Live Auction Begins, time to bid on those larger, exciting items!

Band, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot will also entertain.

What if I can’t come that night, can I still bid on items?

Yes, and no. Anyone can bid on silent auction items online, but to bid in the live auction, you must be present. Bidding for the silent auction items opens on February 15th and closes the night of the event, March 1st. You can bid on any device including your computer, tablet, or phone!


How much are tickets?

Tickets are $65 each and include your admission to the live auction and a meal. If you’d like to be extra supportive and ensure you sit with people you choose you can also purchase a table of 10 for $600. Admission is for individuals 18 and older.


What is the dress code?

Though the advertisements say, "formal," IGNITE is intended to be a night out. There’s really no dress code, wear whatever you feel comfortable wearing!

What is for dinner?

Divots is catering. The menu includes seasoned roast beef, roasted herb chicken, dinner salad, fresh-made buttered mashed potatoes, green beans amandine topped with sliced almonds, rolls with butter; coffee and tea.

Can I invite people outside of St. John?

Yes! The more the merrier! We would love it if you would find 9 friends and fill a table!


Can I sit with friends/family?

If you purchase individual tickets, there are no assigned or saved seats. You may purchase an entire table, which seats 10, to ensure you’re able to sit with people of your choice.  Note IGNITE is an event open to adults 21+.


If you have trouble, feel free to stop into the church or school or call the office for help, 402-675-3605.

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